Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Religious Clothing Restrictions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strict Clothing Restrictions - Essay Example As a rule, the wearers of strict images, for example, crosses, crosses and petition dabs, hijabs, burqas and niqabs are real strict individuals with a solid and genuine individual association with religion. In other minority cases, individuals do wear strict images particularly crosses and crosses as style embellishments while a few Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Jews wear these clothing and images because of the governmental issues of personality. Nonetheless, this conversation demonstrates that, a lion's share of these individuals who put on these strict dress are straightforward supporters of their separate religion. It is significant for individuals to regard different people’s strict convictions, and thusly cancel the limitations forced on the wearing of strict garments; this is on the grounds that a great many people wear strict clothing as a statement of their regard for their customs and religion. Wearing these garments gives individuals a strict personality, and gives them a feeling of mindfulness and familiarity with the necessities of their convictions and conventions. The majority of these individuals accept that wearing this garments improves their responsibility to profound life and that confirming this to the open just fortifies their conviction (Grimm). It is crafted by the supporters of a specific strict conviction to settle on themselves what strict dress and images are fitting considering the lessons of their religion. Scrutinizing people’s approaches and strict conviction on apparel and strict image is generally gotten as analysis. of the individual, yet the religion too. Mentioning objective facts in a biased and uncourteous way about the strict and conventional garments and images of specific citizenry would have all the earmarks of being racial or strict segregation which is against common and human rights. In a popularity based society, individuals ought to be agreed numerous rights, religion notwithstanding. The privilege to religion makes an interpretation of to one side to communicate ones confidence through activities, conviction and even clothing standard. In Britain for instance, the Government has communicated its social promise to strict by advancing a various society with various religions whose adherents are all around rewarded as residents of the United Kingdom. In France then again, the administration authoritatively prohibited the wearing of facial shroud; this comes at an age where most Muslim ladies are hitched to oppressive men who constrain them to wear cloak. A portion of the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Julius Caesar Essay Example for Free

Julius Caesar Essay Splendid individuals focus on what they accept is huge to them. In Julius Caesar, Brutus sells out his old buddy. Brutus has numerous noteworthy characteristics, for example, being true, good, and philosophical. Nonetheless, he has a couple of negative attributes, for example, encountering under ones control, selling out upon others, and effectively surrendering effectively on himself. At long last, Brutus ends it all. From the play Julius Caesar, Brutus is a recognized individual since his relentless expectations are devotedly unadulterated. Brutus is earnest, decent, and philosophical which makes up his boss qualities. Brutus accepts his job killing of Julius Caesar is to benefit Rome. Cassius announces â€Å"Till at that point, think about the world† (Shakespeare 1110). He accepts this since Cassius convinces him to acknowledge his convictions by referencing the individuals of Rome. Brutus says â€Å"For let the divine beings so speed me as I love the name respect more than I dread death† (Shakespeare 1103). Brutus is a noteworthy man since he does everything with enthusiasm on his nation. What's more, Brutus likewise does what he feels is correct which additionally causes him with accomplishing his respect. Brutus lets his methods of reasoning lead his choices and activities. Moreover, Brutus permits Antony to talk at Caesar’s memorial service and choosing to hazard everything in one fight which chances the whole motivation behind the contention since Antony may not be trustable. In spite of the fact that Brutus has numerous commendable characteristics, he additionally has some horrible attributes. Brutus is effortlessly influenced by influential men, selling out his friend, and abandoning himself. Brutus asks â€Å"Into what threats would you lead me, Cassius that you would have me look for into myself. For that which isn't in me? † (Shakespeare 1103) Cassius reveals to Brutus that Caesar is a danger to the individuals of Rome which leaves Brutus miserable. Brutus is despondent in light of the fact that he puts stock in Cassius’ influence. Brutus’ fundamental blemish is the manner by which he is handily influenced between sides which shows that he is anything but difficult to control. Brutus says â€Å"Not that I cherished Caesar less, yet that I adored Rome more† (Shakespeare 1145). Furthermore, Brutus sells out his dear companion, Caesar and joins the intrigue. Brutus joins the connivance since he picks his darling Rome over Caesar. Romans esteem unwaveringness as one of the most stupendous Roman excellencies. Moreover, Brutus is unconfident about his war against Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus. Brutus is unconfident on the grounds that Cassius is gone and he is disregarded so he chooses to end it all. Brutus says â€Å"Hold then my blade, and dismiss thy face while I do run upon it† (Shakespeare 1181). Because of the circumstance, Brutus’ circumstance causes a horrible result. Brutus’ life brings about his own demise. Brutus has a troublesome choice to make to murder Caesar which makes an inside clash. Brutus is persuaded to execute Caesar since he feels that Caesar won't make an incredible pioneer. Accordingly, he chooses to murder Brutus close by Cassius and the plotters. Since, Brutus chooses to slaughter Caesar, it turns into the â€Å"right† activity since Brutus is a respectable man and individuals put stock in whatever he does. Brutus says â€Å"Caesar, presently stay composed. I slaughtered not thee with half so great a will† (Shakespeare 1181) in his final gasp. Brutus ends it all as a type of retribution for Caesar. At long last, Brutus prevails with regards to executing Caesar just as himself. His passing is something worth being thankful for on the grounds that he closes the entirety of the disarray among Antony and him. Brutus is a man who follows his convictions which at that point drives him into a wreck. Strato says â€Å"I held the blade, and he ran on it† (Shakespeare 1182). Brutus effectively ends it all as a noteworthy man. Antony says â€Å"This was the noblest Roman of them all† (Shakespeare 1182). His demise parts of the bargains the different sides. Taking everything into account, individuals accomplish their significant convictions. With excellent characteristics, Brutus depicts as a good man. Interestingly, he shows deficient characteristics, for example, disloyality. At long last, Brutuss life brings about death. Now and then, people groups lives don't unfaltering in support of them, since they should defeat certain snags. Individuals regularly deceive each other through narrow minded reasons. The craving for force can prompt ones destruction. Wealth in riches and administering will result to a malicious catastrophe.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The paradox of our time

The paradox of our time The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgement; more experts, yet more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late,  get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom and hate too often.Weve learned how to make a living, but not a life. Weve added years to life, not life to years. Weve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. Weve conquered outer space, but not inner space. Weve done l arger things, but not better things.  Weve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. Weve split the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. Weve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less. These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; big men, and small character; steep profits, and shallow relationships. These are days of two incomes, but more divorce; fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, b ecause they are not going to be around forever.Remember to say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.By Dr. Bob Moorehead

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Y180 Tma01 - 1331 Words

Y180 – TMA 01. Task 1 Question 1 a) Describe what effects the poem has on you b) Say what you think the subject matter is. Use no more than 100 words in your answer to Question 1. a) I really liked this poem; I thought it was very vivid and memorable. It made me feel angry and sad for the soldiers that died and for the suffering of the other soldiers, their injuries, their trauma and the conditions they had to endure. My daughter also read this poem and it affected her in a similar way; it made her feel sad, angry and ashamed for the things that happened. (71) b) I think this poem is protesting about the war and all its horrors, giving an account of the war, and warning against the glorification of†¦show more content†¦There were a few similes, such as in stanza 1, line 1 – ‘like old beggars under sacks’ that emphasised the description made. There were several instances of alliteration; one of them in the last stanza, line 3, with the words ‘watch the white eyes writhing’. They all help to stress the meaning and importance of these lines, bringing a vivid picture to mind. We noticed the use of internal rhyme in stanza 2 lines 3 and 4, ‘stumbling/flound’ring’, drawing attention to the description. The rhyme scheme of alternating rhyming end-lines, with 10 syllables per line, gives the poem rhyme, metre, structure and order, making the words flow; making it easier to read, more memorable, and drawing attention to the sounds of the words. There are some disruptions to this, su ch as the short, sharp, last line, which makes the reader more aware, and places emphasis on, the meaning and importance of those words. We both noticed that stanza 2 appeared to be shorter than verse 1 with a shorter, 2 line stanza following it. I interpreted this as another disruption to the scheme of the poem to place importance on the words of the 2 line stanza. The final verse is longer than the others, again a disruption for effect. It also contains a Latin quote that, at that time, would have been taught in grammar schools, so Owen would have expected his readers to understand the Latin quotation at theShow MoreRelatedWilfred Owen1266 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is Wilfred Owen’s attitude towards WW1 and how is this shown through his poetry? Wilfred Owen was a soldier during world war one. Many of his poems were published posthumously, and now well renowned. His poems were also heavily influenced by his good friend and fellow soldier Siegfried Sassoon. Wilfred Owen was tragically killed one week before the end of the war. During the war Wilfred Owen had strong feelings towards the use of propaganda and war in general, this was due to the horrors heRead MorePoetry Explication : Dulce Et Decorum Est1039 Words   |  5 PagesPoetry Explication: Dulce Et Decorum Est To die for one’s country is horrible and wrong. For now, this may seem like a mistake, like this is all a mistake, and that the statement itself cannot possibly be what is meant to be written in the first sentence of this page. But it is supposed to be there, because there it is, bold and right. The poem â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est† is truly bold and right in its horrifying descriptions of what it is actually like to die for one’s country. It not only proves aRead MoreAnthem For Doomed Youth And Dulce Et Decorum Est By Wilfred Owen1378 Words   |  6 Pagesfirst World War, his poetry at the time was considered to be controversial as it revealed the truths behind trench warfare and contradicted popular attitudes at the time. The works of Wilfred Owen, and specifically, the poems of ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ are both successful in powerfully giving a voice to the soldiers of war and conveying the dark and inextr icable truth behind war provoking the reader to consider ideas about how this truth is told, rather than the biasRead MoreAttitudes To The War in Whos For The Game? and Dulce Et Decorum Est1068 Words   |  5 Pages‘Who’s for the Game?’ and ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ Q: Compare the attitudes to the war and its presentation in the 2 poems ‘Who’s For The Game?’ and ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’. Include an analysis of the language used and its structure. In the two poems ‘Who’s For the Game?’ and ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’, there are many fundamental differences which set the two poems in two different places in a reader’s mind – the way they interpret the poem. I will be explaining how these essential differencesRead More The Heroism of Dying for Ones Country in Poetry Essay1731 Words   |  7 PagesOnes Country in Poetry The Volunteer is a Pro-War poem written by Herbert Asquith. Asquith uses roman imagery to invoke a feeling of greatness and honour. Asquith begins his poem by describing the miserable, mundane life of a clerk, working in a city grey. He opens with the words Here lies that are normally used to begin writing on a gravestone. This epitaph - style opening gives the idea that the clerk has now passed away and the poem will concentrate on events beforehand. We are told Read MoreThe Most Enduring Phenomena Spawned The Great War Created A Literal Response1564 Words   |  7 Pagesimmediate participants, the soldiers. Owen writes with intense focus on war as an extraordinary human experience. The poems also document other experiences, such as human cruelty and suffering which are carefully structured to convey meaning, and through the use of figurative language conveying the sights and sounds of the battlefield and of trauma. With reference to ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’, ‘The Next War’ and ‘Anthem Of Doomed Youth’, Owen’s intention were to arouse an awareness of the fluctuations ofRead MoreDulce et decorum est and the soldier3089 Words   |  13 PagesOwen’s ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ and Rupert Brooke’s ‘The Soldier’ ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ by Wilfred Owen and ‘The Soldier’ by Rupert Brooke are poems about war which treat their subjects differently. Both poems are examples of the authors’ perceptions of war; Owen’s being about its bitter reality and Brooke’s about the glory of dying for one’s country. The poets express their sentiments on the subject matter in terms of language, tone, rhyme, rhythm and structure. ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ has veryRead More War in Owens Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoons Base Details1949 Words   |  8 PagesWar in Owens Dulce et Decorum est and Sassoons Base Details  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   World War I brought about a revolution in the ideas of the masses. No longer would people of warring nations apathetically back their governments and armies. A concerted and public effort on the part of a literary circle turned soldiers attacked government propaganda. Questioning the glories of war and the need for nationalism, an anti-war literary genre developed in the trenches of Europe during World War I. Gruesome imageryRead MoreDulce Et Decorum Est2365 Words   |  10 Pageswe call propaganda. â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori† is a controversial phrase used to describe the benefits of going to war. It has different translations but it basically states â€Å"it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country†, this is just one of the many techniques a nation could use to shade the soldiers to the harsh reality of war. In this essay I will be evaluating two poems Dulce et Decorum est and The Charge of the Light Brigade. â€Å"Dulce et D ecorum† est is a poem about war written byRead MoreEssay on Wilfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est1499 Words   |  6 PagesWilfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est Through poems with blazing guns, spurting blood, and screaming agony, Wilfred Owen justly deserves the label, applied by critics, of war poet. Some critics, like W.B. Yeats who said, â€Å"I consider [Wilfred Owen] unworthy of the poets corner of a country news paper,† (362) satisfy themselves with this label and argue Owen lacked the artistic merit to be given much attention beyond it. However, many other Owen critics like David Daiches interest themselves in

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Alan Poe - 1306 Words

The Tell Tale Heart is a short story written by the author Edgar Alan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe (born; January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American writer, editor, and literary critic. Poe is best recognized for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and horror. He is widely known as a central figure of Dark Romanticism in the United States and American literature as a whole, he was one of the country s earliest masters of the short stories. Poe is considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre and is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career. (Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. 3rd ed.) He also battled through alcoholism which apparently lead to his premature demise. His best known Fiction works are Gothic. The short story, Tell Tale Heart was publish ed in 1843. The story is a first-person narrative by an unnamed narrator that as we know from the story, insists that he is sane even though it was apparent that he had committed the murder of the old man. The narrator tells us that he loved the old man but the only thing that insanely bothered him was the old man’s evil eye so much that he was always plotting his murder and eventually killed him. This clearly suggests that the narrator had a psychological disorder. After committing the murder, whileShow MoreRelatedThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Alan Poe1028 Words   |  5 PagesBridgette Davis Writing 201 Paper #2 September 24, 2015 The Tell Tale Heart In â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†, written by Edgar Alan Poe is about a diseased man who has a distortion of reality and is motivated to kill a man because of his eye, then feels guilty after killing him. In this story this man defends his sanity but confesses he has killed a man. He has no motivation to kill this man other than his eye. â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† is about timing, a guilty conscience and insanity. The story is takesRead MoreInsanity in Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Alan Poe1058 Words   |  5 Pageson. He goes into great depth speaking of his sense of super hearing, for instance, being able to hear from both the heavens and from hell. â€Å"I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell† (Poe p. 1245). He also said he was hearing the old man’s heart beat. Through out his story there are many exaggerations. The defendant also speaks of being able to stay perfectly still for over an hour while holding a lantern. â€Å"For a whole hour I did not move a muscle . . .† (1246)Read More How Does the Tell Tale Heart Fulfil Your Expectations of A Gothic782 Words   |  4 PagesHow Does the Tell Tale Heart Fulfil Your Expectations of A Gothic Story? From a gothic story such as the tell tale heart, by Edgar Allan Poe, I expect numerous amounts of gory deaths, intense suspense, hideous horror, plently of fear and espically paranoia. They should also contain a variety of literacy techniques including imagery, sentence structure, punctation and repititation in my essay I will be focusing on the amounts of death, horror, fear, suspense and the amount of literacy techniquesRead MoreA Reader- Oriented Approach to Edgar Alan Poes the Tell- Tale Heart1465 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?† A Reader- Oriented approach to Edgar Alan Poe’s The Tell- Tale Heart The Titular question is an old philosophical riddle for which a wide range of metaphysical and non-metaphysical solution has been offered. The answers differ based on the perspective of the interpreter. Judging these answers is neither possible nor desirable for us, but the riddle and the ensuing debates attest to the veracity of one of the mostRead MoreA Gray Atmosphere By Edgar Alan Poe1404 Words   |  6 PagesA Gray Atmosphere Edgar Alan Poe is the father of Dark Romanticism. He brought out the ‘gothic’ of literature and with that said not many of his pieces had a happy ending. When thinking of Poe a chill comes over me, the brute force, imagery and vocabulary that he used was enough to make any reader shudder, yet keep reading. Poe talks of dark things such as murder, insanity and betrayal; he certainly had a different perspective when it came to writing. The culture and ethical value in his storiesRead MoreThe Autobiographical Elements in the Works of Edgar Allan Poe1663 Words   |  7 PagesThe Autobiographical Elements in the Works of Edgar Allan Poe There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness in the proportions (Biography on Poe 8). Edgar Alan Poe endured a very difficult life and this is evident in his literary style. He was once titled the master of the macabre. One of the aspects in his life with which he struggled was social isolation. He used this as a topic in a number of poems and short stories. Poes life was also filled with periods of fear and irrationalityRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart And The Birth Mark Only A Couple Of Months Apart1428 Words   |  6 PagesContemporaries Edgar Alan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne published their respective short stories The Tell-Tale Heart and The Birth-Mark only a couple of months apart. The Tell-Tale Heart is the personal account of a young man’s descent into madness as he becomes increasingly fixated on the eye of an older man, presumably his father. Similarly, The Birth-Mark narrates the story of a young couple, Aylmer and Georgiana, and how the latter’s birthmark becomes the obsession of the former. Poe and Hawthorne’sRead More Atmosphere of Terror and Suspense in Gothic Literature Essay4335 Words   |  18 Pagesincluded Edgar Alan Poe, Charles Dickens, H.G.Wells, Charlotte and Emily Bronte. By the end of the19th century Mary Shelley?s famous novel of Frankenstein had been published and later on Bram Stoker?s Dra cula. Of all the stories written in the gothic era, they all contain many of the typical gothic features. Some typical gothic features include terror, mystery, ghosts, haunted houses, castles, darkness, death, decay and madness. The three gothic texts I will be analyzing are ?The Tell-Tale Heart/Read MoreEssay Edgar Allen Poe1513 Words   |  7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe was born at 33 Hollis Street, Boston, Massachusetts, on January 19, 1809. Poe’s parents were struggling actors. His father deserted him, and his mother died of tuberculosis when he was three years old. Young Edgar was taken in by a wealthy tobacco exporter by the name of John Allan, from whom he took his middle name. Most of his early life was lived in Richmond, Virginia, with the exception of a five-year period when the Allan family lived in England. His lifeRead MoreEssay Edgar Allan Poe3220 Words   |  13 PagesEdgar Allan Poe The boundaries which divide Life and Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where one ends, and where the other begins? Edgar Allan Poe, The Premature Burial (Bartlett, 642). To venture into the world of Edgar Allan Poe is to embark on a journey to a land filled with perversities of the mind, soul, and body. The joyless existence carved out by his writings is one of lost love, mental anguish, and the premature withering of his subjects. Poe wrote in a style that

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Different Health Systems Free Essays

The healthcare system of the United States is commonly associated with state-of-the-art hospitals and highly-trained physician. However, the general performance of the U. S. We will write a custom essay sample on Different Health Systems or any similar topic only for you Order Now healthcare system has been determined to be a less than that of other industrialized countries. Such observation is mainly due to the differences in healthcare systems among states, regions and health administrations. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is a socialized healthcare system managed by the government. It provides varied healthcare support to veterans or ex-officio military servicemen and their families. Survey shows that approximately 83% of VHA patients are satisfied with the healthcare that they have received. In addition, survey depicts that 69% of the patients were treated within 20 minutes of their appropriate appointment with their physician (DeNavas-Walt et al. , 2005). Also, approximately 93% of the patients participating in the survey indicate that they had seen a specialist within the last 30 days. Such observations show that the Veterans Health Administration provides an exemplary system of healthcare, much better than the private sector. However, it also could mean that the VHA is associated with more costly healthcare rates than the other healthcare systems such as the Military Health system and the private sector. This characteristic compensates for the types of members that would avail of the VHA benefits, who are actually veterans, which are commonly composed of older, sicker and illness-susceptible individuals. In addition, these veterans are generally poorer, homeless and victims of substance abuse, which represents a major difference from the major population in the United States. It has been estimated that more than 50% of the VHA enrollees are above 65 years of age. The private sector’s healthcare system is mostly focused on intervention-based healthcare, which means that the physician will generally treat a patient who is already suffering from a particular illness (Frogner and Anderson, 2006). Such system is thus less costly than the VHA system, because the patients enrolled in the private sector will only resort to requesting medical attention when the need arises. In the private sector healthcare system, health insurance is generally bought by the employer on behalf of its employees The VHA system, on the other hand, follows the prevention approach to health care, which involves providing checkups and education to its veteran patients in order to avoid more serious illness in the future. The Military Health System, on the other hand, provides healthcare to individuals who are currently active in the military service, including members of their family. The benefits of the Military Health system falls under the blanket coverage known as the Tricare, which is almost identical to that of the private sector’s system of healthcare management (Smith et al. , 2005). Here the enrollee pays a small portion of the total cost of the healthcare service, such as 20% of a surgery, for example, and the other 80% is paid for my the Military Health System. Each visit to the physician, just like the private sector’s healthcare system, is associated with a small co-payment, such as $10 per visit, regardless of specialization of the doctor to which consultation was made. The mission of a healthcare system is to provide medical services at the lowest practical price and at the same time, with the best feasible quality. The integration of electronic medical records in the Veterans Health Administration has provided a model for the other healthcare system to follow suit. In addition, the private sector has also use the VHA’s mission in providing prevention-based medical services, instead of just intervention-based services. References DeNavas-Walt C, Proctor B and Lee C (2005):   Income, Poverty and Health Insurance in the United States: 2004.   Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau. Frogner BK and Anderson GF (2006):   Multinational comparisons of health systems data, 2005.   New York: The Commonwealth Fund. Smith C, Cowan C and Sensenig A (2005):   Health Spending Growth Slows in 2003.   Health Affairs   24(1):185–94. How to cite Different Health Systems, Papers

Thursday, April 30, 2020

U.S. national interests

By the time the World War II came to an end, the United States of America had begun involvement in world affairs. It was the richest and perhaps the most powerful nation at that time. Before world war two, the U.S preferred the isolationist policy to partnering with other nations on international matters.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on U.S. national interests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This saw the U.S economy suffer greatly after the World War I since America had gone into the war alone. To avoid further hurting their economy, the U.S changed from their isolationist policy to an interventionist policy which was more involving as it included other nations in form of allies. It was also partly caused by the U.S. realizing that instability and lack of peace in other parts of the world would eventually affect them in one way or the other. This triggered America’s support in the formation and hosting of the United Nations (UN). It also actively participated in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). These were effort to ensure stability and peace as it became essential to minimize conflicts and solve them peacefully. With relative peace and stability, the U.S. could pursue its political and economic interests abroad. The main focus of this paper is to support the U.S. national interests and goals articulated after World War II. After world war two, America equated its national interests with pursuance of world superpower status. It had invested heavily in industrialization and therefore had mass production of various goods and services. To successfully pursue its political, social and economic interests, the U.S. had to make sure that there was enduring peace and democracy across the world. The U.S. made treaties and agreements with far-flung nations. These were countries of great interest to the U.S. in terms of trade and security; for the world order to be in place as it desired, the U.S. had to ensure it leads the way. The interventionist approach was of great benefit in helping the U.S. to enforce the new world order. For instance, the Spanish-American war in which the U.S. won within a short period of time helped in making it known as a powerful nation. The triumph in the war was followed by the U.S. taking control of an empire in the Caribbean and the Pacific. America had laid strong foundations for prosperity long before the two world wars. American education, innovation, military and science levels were highly advanced compared to other countries. This acted as an advantage to them to accomplish their mission. In as much as the U.S. chose to pursue the interventionist’s approach internationally, diplomacy largely came before militarism. This is evidenced by the fact that U.S. had the highest number of treaties and agreements with different nations. Theses treaties helped the U.S. in so many ways in its quest to be a superpower; it incre ased the market for America’s goods and services.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Given its strong economic status, the U.S. gave out loans to nations like Germany and Japan which were reeling from devastation effects of the World War II. Since the U.S. promised to defend its allies, it won admiration leading to a strong relationship between them. The far reaching and stretched American empire had to be protected at all costs. This explains why America had so many military bases across the world. Arguably, change of America’s policy from isolationist prevented the outbreak of third world war. This was through active participation in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United Nations (UN). While the North Atlantic Treaty Organization suppressed war outbreaks through militarism, the United Nations largely used diplomacy among member states. For the Unite d Nations, diplomacy was the preferred conflict resolution tool but militarism was a measure of last resort. In spite of this, America’s steady growth to becoming a superpower, competition emerged from the communist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Ideological differences saw the two superpowers take contrasting paths on most issues. The 1950’s saw the beginning of decolonization in Africa. The two got embroiled in a fight to spread their ideologies among the newly-independent African countries. This shows how much interested the U.S. was in African countries given the fact it is a continent with minerals and resources. International politics and issues are dynamic. America’s foreign policy has to an extent also evolved to adapt to changes. America’s interventionist approach has won America Co-operation with other nations. For instance, Myanmar has benefitted from America’s interventionist policy. Today, it is on the path to democracy as compared to when it was under dictatorship before the U.S. intervened. The U.S. national interests and goals have also been under great scrutiny even by the U.S. citizens themselves. They fear their country’s over reliance on external oil. What happens if our relationship with these nations becomes strained? Such are the worries the U.S. has to an extent it does not want re-establishment and re-allocation of international responsibilities. In conclusion, the U.S. national interests and goals articulated after the World War II. First, they ensured that they obtained peace with majority of nations to act as a gateway through which they could pursue their interests and articulate their goals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on U.S. national interests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Evidence to show that the U.S. had national interests after the World War II include: they had the highest number of treaties and agreements with different nations, they fought to obtain their interests and formed international policy which won them co-operation with many nations across the world. This essay on U.S. national interests was written and submitted by user Hezekiah Burt to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.