Thursday, October 31, 2019

Expatriate management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Expatriate management - Essay Example has seen several medical practitioners and health workers deployed in those areas from foreign nations including doctors, nurses, counsellors, and social health workers among others. However, success as a professional expatriate in the foreign countries with new cultures and new people is never guaranteed as most expatriates record failures whenever they get to these new work stations. This paper aims at analysing and accounting for some of these failures and ways of minimising them. In most cases when these expatriates are sent to these new and foreign regions for an assignment, they are usually offered extra allowances. The added financial benefits would make one think these people have higher chances of success owing to the hype that comes along with the whole expatriation (Guest, 2014:199). Allowances such as risk, housing, transport, food and accommodation are some of the benefits that employees enjoy when these oversees opportunities arise. It also presents a person with a chance to develop career-wise as they are more likely to meet new colleagues and face different challenges that trigger the need to research more. However, the periods do not only bring out the positive effects but also some negative impacts that immerses one into a sea of emotional turmoil owing to the anticipation of leaving for another country for probably longer periods like it happens in some cases. Therefore, there are several reasons why expatriates are likely to fail in their mis sions in these foreign lands and may lead to their posting being withdrawn before the contracted period elapses. Culture is quite a significant aspect of our lives which in shaping behaviour and defining social life. Dissociating from one’s culture and integrating into another new one is such a big problem to people; expatriates included. Moving into another country especially a new continent means a whole new lifestyle. Cultural inflexibility may deter an expatriate from effectively discharging their

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Atitudes and perceptions of coaches on disabled people Essay

Atitudes and perceptions of coaches on disabled people - Essay Example iterature Review was conducted using the search engines Infotrac and Science Direct and by reviewing the literature in the libraries of the National Disability Authority (NDA). An internet search was carried out using the search engines, Google Scholar and Ask Jeeves. The paper starts by talking about the difference experiences that people with disability experience, then it goes ahead to touch on their experiences in the world of sports, self esteem issues are also reflected on the literature review and finally the literature review concludes by touching on the social and physical environmental factors that determine how the disabled are treated. The paper ends by analyzing the literature and evaluation of the collected data Study design: the study was a retrogressive form of study that involved looking back at already done research and published material. Systematic approach has been chosen in order to evaluate and critically analyze the attitudes and perceptions of coaches on disabled people. (Mulrow, Cook, & Davidoff, 1997; Murlow, 1994). It was decided due to the opportunity of having many finding together and still being able to evaluate on them. Study procedure: The study was mainly done via desk research, whereby an only the review of literature sources was done. An overview of the methodology is shown below in diagram form. The Literature Review was done using the search engines such as Science Direct and by reviewing the literature in the university library. An internet sources were used whereby search engines, such as Google, and Scholar was involved in the search. The key sentence â€Å"Factors Influencing Perception and attitude of coaches towards disabled people† was used in the different search engines to locate the required material. Several criteria had to be established for the material to qualify in the study; the research material had to be less than ten years old, the material that had content on the perception of disabled sports

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact Of The Internet On Our Society Media Essay

Impact Of The Internet On Our Society Media Essay The Internet is the epitome of the fast moving, dynamic sector of the twenty first centuary. It is arguably the blazon of innovation in communication technologies, services, and the markets over the last 15 or so years, is viewed by many as a communication frontier with many radical transformative potential  [1]  . The Internet and specifically its usage provides an example that how its nature and consequences has been transforming the society. This paper argues that how the internet brings changes and its impact on society. This paper will also try to find out the role of the State in bringing the changes and development into the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Internet now has become more pervasive than television and radio in todays globalised world. It provides the rare information and examples that was not easily accessible before. With the expansion of the internet and communication technology the development has started taken place. The significance of the Internet has not just in the field communication but also into each and every sphere of life. The extent of Internet is such that anyone can access any information from anywhere. There is no geographical boundaries left as all are removed by the internet communication technology. Cyber has removed the distance as now everybody is so interconnected, people share their ideas, thoughts, suggestions, problems, ideas etc and cyber always welcome them. Internet welcomes the intellectual activities i. e those who wants to express their views are always welcome.  [2]  Internet has emerged as a prominent medium of communication. The issue that has become a prominent focus of debate and a lso is to examine the impact of Internet on society. This also leads to the transforming phase of the society that how the society is been transforming and a new society is been emerging. In this transformation of the society it is the State which plays a major role in the development of the Information and communication technology which leads to the changes. The evolution of Internet was by United States Department of defence Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, APRANET, in 1970 for transferring data and information. But the way it has transformed our society Hauben and Hauben (1997) refer to as Netizens: Net Citizens.  [3]   It has created its own terminology its own world such as search engines (;; web pages, web servers, clients, http, POP, DNS, ISDN and various domain names also. In this present world we talk about e-shopping ; e trade e-toys; e-commerce; e-governance; online services etc which shows the desires of our society that how ready it is to adopt these changes of the changing world. Technology and Social Changes: As everything has its positive and negative impact, internets also have its positive as well as its negative impact not only in the society but also into the security, political and economical ways of living. Since 1993 numbers of the net users have been increasing continuously and now days everybody has its own e-mail id and have access to all the information which is available over the Internet. In terms of security, nuclear issues continue to dominate, but with the greater concerns about chemical and biological weapons and their possible use by so-called rogue states such as Iraq, or terrorist groups able to use the global interconnectedness of transport and ICTs to communicate, organize boundaries more easily. Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as a catch all terms signalled the expanded range of weapons beyond the nuclear seen as threat in the contemporary world. (UK Government, 2002).  [4]  With the arrival of the internet the issue of security becomes more complex and diffi cult to control. Youngs argued that, The more dependent on ICT network individuals, organisations, economies and states become, the more difficult it is to police and control informational boundaries. The digital age feeds on the capturing and transferral of data across increasing numbers of network nodes at ever faster speeds. It is not an overstatement to say that as societies and individuals and entities within them operate via the Internet, whether through e-banking or business, email and chat rooms activity, or political activism, the more they are caught in it, identified by and through the networks they are involved in and the information they contain about them. This is the situation where boundaries can easily collapse, and this goes much further than just the idea that the internet crosses geographical and political divides, and separations between public (institutional) and private (personal) social spaces and places.(Youngs,2001)  [5]   The transnational characteristics of the Internet and its multi-sector nature- economies and politics, public and private commercial and non-profit, formal and informal, institutional and individual and so on- are fundamental to the intricate meaning of the transformations associated with the network society. Many would argue that the internationalisation of the economy, over the twentieth centuary in particular, was a major driver of globalisation, but in the latter part of that centuary ICTs (and to some extent media generally) were integral to that process.  [6]   For blurred boundary between warfare, criminal activity and plain old-fashioned system failure as perhaps one of the greatest difficulties for the nation states. Edward argued Many of the technologies being brought into use are expected to operate across the wide range of platforms-types of computers and types of network, to the extent that different operating systems sharing a network can sometimes have unintended consequences. These can range from system crashes to non- specific random errors. So there is an issue of threshold to be addressed in terms of protective security and military defence. The latter may be good at responding to definite signals, but the small inconsistencies that plague large systems make it difficult to tell when a decisive boundary has been crossed to be able to initiate a large-scale and well-resourced response.(Edward, 2003: 103; my emphasis.)  [7]   The changes into the mode of communication has brought significant and historic changes into the society as well as such developments has given attention on the relationship of communication to the definition and nature of the modern state, its security, identity and democratic processes.  [8]  Internet has become the origin of the communication system in USA. Robert Deibert argues that would withstand a nuclear attack. Young argues that but equally, if not even more interesting are the exponential transformations involving the Internet in all spheres of human and social interactions.  [9]   Young argues about the impact of internet on the economics of the state that while the success of the states becomes significantly linked to digital advances of varying kinds, growing number of citizens are also offered via the Internet an interactive political sphere that extends well beyond the traditional state settings. Reflexive processes impacting on political affiliations and identities are increasingly likely to reflect these expanded circumstances (Youngs, 2001  [10]  ) . With this Internet is representing a completely new virtual social environment, which also links directly the private space of home to the wider world, just as in, some ways, radio and television did, but in case of Internet much more powerfully for example, through interactivity  [11]  . For many people in the world Internet is the medium of exchange of spheres as well as it acts as a medium of global reach. However for some it is not accessible example: digital divide the line which divides the digitally empowered and the digitally poor, hampers the ICT potentials of placing unequal human beings on an equal footing. Digital poverty is much more problematic because it affects not just the traditionally rich but also the traditionally poor and threatens to broaden socio-economic inequalities even further.  [12]  Internet is transforming the lives of human beings and attention must be paid towards the lives of those who are not cyber literate and are disempowered. By making th em cyber literate this problem can be solved and for this purpose active participation is needed. Impact of Internet on Education: Internets help a lot in the field of education by providing new information and keep them updated. It has transformed the relationship between the teachers and the students and gave a new horizon and prospects to it. Example: earlier students were not aware about the current information they depends upon books and newspapers but with the access of Internet they can easily grab the information in whatever language they want and needed. Students learn various languages and can communicate with teachers and experts just by clicking mouse. Internet has now become a source of joy and education both. State is also playing its role in increasing cyber literacy. Government by making various polices is trying to make people participate into the programmes and policies made for the educational purposes. Internet also brings new social environment from private space to the globalised world. As Internet is very helpful for the students and children for their educational purposes in positive aspe cts. However it has its negative aspects also as there are certain websites which are dangerous to them. According to Littleton Colorado, in April 1999(vice-president, Gore) In the field of education children gain access to areas which are not suitable and dangerous. And in other areas also the issues of security is of great concern.  [13]  Firewalls are the issues which are always needed and in great demands for security purposes not only in the field of education but also in business . Internet is the ocean of information, as far as one satisfied it continuously provides information. Political Influence: The Internet explicitly propagates and implicitly spreads western democratic values. These views are mainly spread through some governmental organisations or government-sponsored groups in the West. Internet degrades and repudiates those countries, political parties and governments that have different ideologies from those of the West. It can be used as a tool to harm national sovereignty and interfere with other countries internal affairs.  [14]   Impact of Internet on Culture: The Internet advocates western life styles. These websites displays various aspects of western society and life, and the overwhelming majority of then have positive portrayals of the western life-style. It makes people believe that the West seems to be countries of absolute freedom and paradise for individual achievement where private life is without obstacles and external inferences. This is particularly appealing to the youths whose life philosophy and worldview have yet to mature. They aspire with great diligence to go abroad just to change a way of living. It helps in dominant cultures impact and homogenize in an inferior position. Because the Internet overwhelming is a culture of the English language, it further strengthens throughout the globe the culture based upon the English language. In comparison, cultures based upon any other language have been weakened. It also corrupts peoples mind, influences and changes moral perspective and ethical values. The pornography merchants i n western countries have opened websites. This has led to the Commerce Committee of the U.S Senate to propose the 1995 Communications Act for Good Behaviour to prohibit sex crimes committed on the internet  [15]  However U.S plays a kind of hegemony into the field of Internet. Security threats: Due to hackers nothing is safe on Internet which is transferred. They can strike anywhere and anytime and can hack. According to the Statistics of the US.FBI incidents of the American Internet networks being broken into are rapidly increasing by 30% annually, making the US suffer tremendously.  [16]   Flooding of Information: Waste of time and resources The Internet is capable of providing connectivity to millions of people together. People connected together may create Internet junk such as advertisement; product information etc. It may provide incorrect information which may be real or fake. The creation of unwanted information online is a huge loss of time and cost of searching valuable information as well as people may get mislead easily. The younger generation is highly infected with this because of two factors such as their young age and also they have time to access Internet as much as they want and the information which is available on internet may mislead them to other directions. Conclusion: This paper focussed on how Internet has its impact on our society and how the technology brings social change. How the technology benefits the human beings and how it brings prosperity and welfare and how every citizen is benefitted with the Information and Communication technology. For building information-oriented or cyber literate society state do not need resources to invest more and more into it but it needs creative individuals and comparatively small amount of investment in ICT infrastructure. As anyone can easily provide the information about the product and all the transactions takes place online. Example: Carpet industries in Bhadohi (U.P, India),if someone wants to place an order from US then he need not to come to India but can place order online. Or, Puppets from Rajasthan, can ordered online from anywhere in the world. All the geographical boundaries are been collapsed through Internet as even the smallest information is available on Internet at the cheapest rates. Info rmation and Communication Technology also helps to remove the economical inequalities. And also tries to remove the digital divided or the technological imbalances not only in between the countries which are developed and under-developed but also between the males and females. As Susan Stranges had argued in analysis of global political economy, in advance of the Internet age the importance of technological power for an understanding of continuing US hegemony widespread economic significance of ICTs, and the prominence of major corporations such as Microsoft.  [17]   The impact of the Internet on our society is discussed in this paper on the fields of education; politics; culture; security and economics. All these reflect the needs of the regulatory measures or the cyber laws not only just making but implications also. However an increasingly networked and information driven world as a community is been formed. They can access to all the information which includes e business, cross border political affiliations and activism that may help to form new kinds of identities; individual research activities that enable, for example, citizens to gain access to world press and other official views of governments action; cross national political or personal discussions in chat rooms; email relationships between people who have never met.  [18]  As Young, argued that Internet is both complex as well as easy and through Internet crosses the geographical and political divides and also it brings separation between public and private social spaces and place s. In conclusion, once the Internet is opened it should be used as a tool through which information can be gathered and can be used for the development and welfare purposes and should it not used as an objective. And State should try to gain victory over the challenges such as cyber literacy, bridging the digital divide; providing services online; cyber laws and their implications.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Graduation speech :: essays research papers

Hello and welcome†¦.. As a matter of formality I would like to introduce myself. My name is Bruce Richard and it gives me great pleasure to address you all today at Valencia High School. Thank you very much for this unique and rewarding opportunity. It is one I will never forget. I regard this as rewarding and memorable because I am being asked to recount my high school experiences and the impact they have had on me. This is particularly valuable in that I can retain this as a permanent record to look back and reflect upon in the future. As I look back in retrospect and ask myself if I always tried as hard as I could, I am left with the fact that maybe I didn’t put my entire effort into all my studies and take full advantage of the free education I was offered. As I recall, the subjects that most interested me, such as science and the hands on approach, tended to sustain my level of interest and motivation. On the other hand, subjects such as government and others were harder to stay focused on for some reason. I am certain that most students have the same experience. I guess some things just require us to buckle down a little more in order to really learn.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Brief Pause) I am truly proud of the fact that I shared in the successes of the school as I was part of the drama class for four years and helped us win 5th place amongst 60 schools for the â€Å"Taming of the Shrew†. I played varsity football in my senior year where we had a great 9-2 season. As I go on to Fullerton, I only wish I had stuck to my intentions of playing all four years, instead of being influenced by other people, particularly the opposite sex. I have learned that it is important to stick to your convictions if you feel as strongly about them as I did. When I was part of the cross country team in my sophomore and junior years I did quite well and always gave it my all, learning the value of struggling to achieve by discovering more about myself and my abilities. The part of me I never thought existed gave me the confidence to know that anything can be accomplished with the right determination and desire. I am committed to succeed and looking forward to playing football at Fu llerton. Graduation speech :: essays research papers Hello and welcome†¦.. As a matter of formality I would like to introduce myself. My name is Bruce Richard and it gives me great pleasure to address you all today at Valencia High School. Thank you very much for this unique and rewarding opportunity. It is one I will never forget. I regard this as rewarding and memorable because I am being asked to recount my high school experiences and the impact they have had on me. This is particularly valuable in that I can retain this as a permanent record to look back and reflect upon in the future. As I look back in retrospect and ask myself if I always tried as hard as I could, I am left with the fact that maybe I didn’t put my entire effort into all my studies and take full advantage of the free education I was offered. As I recall, the subjects that most interested me, such as science and the hands on approach, tended to sustain my level of interest and motivation. On the other hand, subjects such as government and others were harder to stay focused on for some reason. I am certain that most students have the same experience. I guess some things just require us to buckle down a little more in order to really learn.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Brief Pause) I am truly proud of the fact that I shared in the successes of the school as I was part of the drama class for four years and helped us win 5th place amongst 60 schools for the â€Å"Taming of the Shrew†. I played varsity football in my senior year where we had a great 9-2 season. As I go on to Fullerton, I only wish I had stuck to my intentions of playing all four years, instead of being influenced by other people, particularly the opposite sex. I have learned that it is important to stick to your convictions if you feel as strongly about them as I did. When I was part of the cross country team in my sophomore and junior years I did quite well and always gave it my all, learning the value of struggling to achieve by discovering more about myself and my abilities. The part of me I never thought existed gave me the confidence to know that anything can be accomplished with the right determination and desire. I am committed to succeed and looking forward to playing football at Fu llerton.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Food Crisis Essay

According to World Bank, they blame that the food crisis in Africa are causing by trade barrier. A lot of countries in Africa are restricted importing food from the border. Due to unfertilized land in a lot of parts in Africa, it causes people to discourage to be a farmer, so the food supply is less. However, African population is increasing rapidly. Therefore, the demand for food will just keep increasing. As a result, the demand for food would exceed supply for food in Africa. Before I move on to the next examples, I need to explain about the result of the demand exceed supply. Identical products around the world should fix in the law of one price, which mean that the identical products should sell at the same price around the world. This is because if it is not the same price, the country that sell high price would go to buy the low price product from another country and sell it to their country. Therefore, the country that sell product for low price with get a result in increasing demand which result in increasing in price. The supply for the high price product will be more because people import to sell in country, which result in decreasing in price. At the result, both countries will sell product at the same price. This will cause the exporter by the rest of the world need to sell the product at the same price (world price). Therefore, we can draw it in the graph as vertical lines while the supply in the country as an upward-sloping and the demand is downward-sloping, but food is necessary product, so the line should be more inelastic. Now we can plot all of this in to a graph, and a graph will look like this. The import is horizontal because of the world price, so they need to supply at this price. As you can see from the graph, the import is restrict at only the small amount according to Africa, only 5 percent of the food import, which resulting in demand exceeding supply, so we can apply this to the food crisis by trade restriction. Therefore, the price of food is increasing because there is high demand for food than supply in Africa, while the farmer is not encouraging by the government because only a little profit goes to them even though the price is high due to the government policy, so he Africa people suffer from hunger due to the unaffordable price of food. Not only Africa that face food crisis, but also the world is suffered during 2008. According to Europe, they claim that the world food crisis is because the trade restriction of many countries in the world such as Argentina, Russia, Japan and South Korea. These trade restrictions cause the price of food in the world to increase. People cannot afford the high price. Thus, the food crisis occurs and suffers many countries around the world. Food crisis occur in the country may lead to other problem. For example, the protest in Egypt also cause by raising cost of food in the country because of trade restriction. In long term solution to solve food crisis should be that the government should not intervene food price because food is necessary product; they choose restrict on the unnecessary product such as cigarette or alcohol instead. 20 million people in Africa are suffering from hunger nowadays due to this food crisis causing by trade restriction.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Autobiographical Sketch of the Political Career Of John F. Kennedy

From my birth in 1917 I was seemingly destined for a political career. I am John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and my middle name of Fitzgerald would serve to remind the voters of Boston and Massachusetts of my maternal grandfather, Honey Fitz Fitzgerald, a beloved former mayor of Boston. During World War II I pulled all the political strings my wealthy family possessed in an effort to be sent to the fighting, for I knew that after the war I would be a more viable candidate as a combat veteran.Virtually all of my early life revolved around politics, and both my older brother and I understood we were meant for high office. My father, Joseph P. Kennedy often said that his son would be America’s first Catholic president. He would prove to be prophetic.After the war, in 1946, I conducted my first campaign for congress (jfk library n.d.), enlisting the help of my sisters, my mother and my popular grandfather, going door-to-door on crutches as I recovered from my war wounds. I was elected on my first try.My goal from the beginning was the presidency of the United States and I used my family’s money and political connections toward that end. I first had to have a national platform and I chose to seek a seat in the U.S. Senate. I was elected in 1953 and immediately began my assault on the next obstacle. In 1956 I broke a tradition of the Democratic Party by actively seeking the nomination for vice-present on the ticket headed by Adlai Stevenson (White n.d.).My brother Robert once joked that that I have been saved from that mistake by being denied the nomination, as Stevenson lost to the sitting president, Dwight Eisenhower, in a landslide. Still this honed my political skills and allowed me to build a national base for my assault on the presidential nomination in four years.In 1960 I was elected 35th president of the United States in the closest election ever conducted, narrowly beating out the sitting vice-president, Richard Nixon (ibid).On November 22 o f 1963 I made an ill-fated trip to Texas to mend some political fences within the party. I over-rode the advice of my security detail, which wanted me to ride in a limo with a bulletproof canopy. I wanted the crowd to have a better view of my wife and me as we drove past them on the narrow streets of Dallas on a beautiful sunny day.   As we were clear of the downtown canyon shots rang out and I was assassinated as my wife and a cheering crowd looked on in horror. I was the youngest man ever elected president and the youngest man to die in office.Works CitedJohn F. Kennedy Library and Museum     Biographies and Profiles: KennethP. O’Donnell   Retrieved 3-2-08 from:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The White House  Ã‚   John Kennedy   Retrieved 3-2-08 from:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚