Thursday, April 30, 2020

U.S. national interests

By the time the World War II came to an end, the United States of America had begun involvement in world affairs. It was the richest and perhaps the most powerful nation at that time. Before world war two, the U.S preferred the isolationist policy to partnering with other nations on international matters.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on U.S. national interests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This saw the U.S economy suffer greatly after the World War I since America had gone into the war alone. To avoid further hurting their economy, the U.S changed from their isolationist policy to an interventionist policy which was more involving as it included other nations in form of allies. It was also partly caused by the U.S. realizing that instability and lack of peace in other parts of the world would eventually affect them in one way or the other. This triggered America’s support in the formation and hosting of the United Nations (UN). It also actively participated in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). These were effort to ensure stability and peace as it became essential to minimize conflicts and solve them peacefully. With relative peace and stability, the U.S. could pursue its political and economic interests abroad. The main focus of this paper is to support the U.S. national interests and goals articulated after World War II. After world war two, America equated its national interests with pursuance of world superpower status. It had invested heavily in industrialization and therefore had mass production of various goods and services. To successfully pursue its political, social and economic interests, the U.S. had to make sure that there was enduring peace and democracy across the world. The U.S. made treaties and agreements with far-flung nations. These were countries of great interest to the U.S. in terms of trade and security; for the world order to be in place as it desired, the U.S. had to ensure it leads the way. The interventionist approach was of great benefit in helping the U.S. to enforce the new world order. For instance, the Spanish-American war in which the U.S. won within a short period of time helped in making it known as a powerful nation. The triumph in the war was followed by the U.S. taking control of an empire in the Caribbean and the Pacific. America had laid strong foundations for prosperity long before the two world wars. American education, innovation, military and science levels were highly advanced compared to other countries. This acted as an advantage to them to accomplish their mission. In as much as the U.S. chose to pursue the interventionist’s approach internationally, diplomacy largely came before militarism. This is evidenced by the fact that U.S. had the highest number of treaties and agreements with different nations. Theses treaties helped the U.S. in so many ways in its quest to be a superpower; it incre ased the market for America’s goods and services.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Given its strong economic status, the U.S. gave out loans to nations like Germany and Japan which were reeling from devastation effects of the World War II. Since the U.S. promised to defend its allies, it won admiration leading to a strong relationship between them. The far reaching and stretched American empire had to be protected at all costs. This explains why America had so many military bases across the world. Arguably, change of America’s policy from isolationist prevented the outbreak of third world war. This was through active participation in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United Nations (UN). While the North Atlantic Treaty Organization suppressed war outbreaks through militarism, the United Nations largely used diplomacy among member states. For the Unite d Nations, diplomacy was the preferred conflict resolution tool but militarism was a measure of last resort. In spite of this, America’s steady growth to becoming a superpower, competition emerged from the communist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Ideological differences saw the two superpowers take contrasting paths on most issues. The 1950’s saw the beginning of decolonization in Africa. The two got embroiled in a fight to spread their ideologies among the newly-independent African countries. This shows how much interested the U.S. was in African countries given the fact it is a continent with minerals and resources. International politics and issues are dynamic. America’s foreign policy has to an extent also evolved to adapt to changes. America’s interventionist approach has won America Co-operation with other nations. For instance, Myanmar has benefitted from America’s interventionist policy. Today, it is on the path to democracy as compared to when it was under dictatorship before the U.S. intervened. The U.S. national interests and goals have also been under great scrutiny even by the U.S. citizens themselves. They fear their country’s over reliance on external oil. What happens if our relationship with these nations becomes strained? Such are the worries the U.S. has to an extent it does not want re-establishment and re-allocation of international responsibilities. In conclusion, the U.S. national interests and goals articulated after the World War II. First, they ensured that they obtained peace with majority of nations to act as a gateway through which they could pursue their interests and articulate their goals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on U.S. national interests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Evidence to show that the U.S. had national interests after the World War II include: they had the highest number of treaties and agreements with different nations, they fought to obtain their interests and formed international policy which won them co-operation with many nations across the world. This essay on U.S. national interests was written and submitted by user Hezekiah Burt to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.