Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thomas Hardy Essay Summary Example For Students

Thomas Hardy Essay Summary (Lines 21-22). By turning her head the wife demonstrates a desire to avoid the issue, of perhaps an inference from Hardy she views the topic obliquely at best. Although the wife attempts to deny her discomfort with the issue through rationalizations and defensive posturing, the husband nonetheless, continues to press the topic. When the husband asks his wife if the origin of the box shocked (Line 31) her, the wife replies Dont, dear, despise my intellect, mere accidental things of that sort have no effect on my imaginings. (Line 32-36). We will write a custom essay on Thomas Hardy Summary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The language used by Hardy is strong, the wife doesnt say underestimate or disrespect in regards to her intelligence, she uses despise. In Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary despise is defined as to regard as negligible, worthless, or distasteful. This word seems immensely strong for the conversation taking place, the forcefulness of the word reflects on her desire to dodge the issue. Hardy draws his message to a close in the final stanza Yet still her lips were limp and wan, her face still held aside, as if she had not only known John, but known of what he had died. (Lines 37-40) Primarily, Hardy has shown that the wifes imaginings have indeed been affected, as she now seems to have some knowledge of the deceased along with an insight as to what he had died, each which could only be supplied through her imagination. The wifes face continues to be held askance, but her visage has been affected; her lips now limp, and wan i. e. ; pale, deathly. In describing a woman that has pressed hard to avoid the issue of death as death-like, Hardy is telling the reader that despite any wishes to avoid death, death touches us all regardless. The connection between life and death cannot be denied, nor avoided. They are intrinsically involved, leaving one sole option; which is the acceptance of our inexorable fate. Hence the focal point of Hardys The Workbox is indeed the connection between life and death. The author shows the elusive nature of the confines of our lives, as well as the abruptness in which these boundaries intertwine. The author shows the irony, and inevitable disposition of life and death. Showing this connectivity through the symbolism of the timber, the workbox that was established as representing life, and coffin clearly representing death, Hardy has drawn a succinct commentary of the human condition, in all of its complexity.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sula Essay Example

Sula Essay Example Sula Essay Sula Essay Essay Topic: Sula Chad Roush Ethnic Lit. Sula Essay 10/27 Women are typically characterized for having relationships with each other that are not always loyal or true. The ups and downs I witnessed from Sula and Nel in Sula made me think about my own life, and if I felt I knew two females who could endure more tragedy than this friendship brought on. To think of the sneakiness of Sula to betray her friend and have relations with her husband, and the bitterness of Nel to doom Sula as evil in the community I wondered how these two could ever find their way through the drama and slander. The answer is which I came up with owever is they reconciled because these women needed each other. The reputation of Sula in the bottom is not one in which an individual would pleasantly welcome of themselves. Rumors about her promiscuity circle the town of this young woman, and although she deserves the title of being a slut I feel Sula is accurate but as a person Sula is misunderstood. With a broken support system at home from her mother and grandmother she is often times felt like no one loves her, and turns to sex to find the feeling of compassion from another human being.. I feel she left the bottom because of these things. One can picture the life in which she ived away from the bottom and how she must have dealt with her emotions and thoughts inside her head and its not a pleasant one. However her trip back to the bottom reveals her sophistication does not make up for the void left in her heart due to lack of male compassion. Her relationship with Nel is one that is very helpful to her though. Sula does not go to her mom to talk nor her grandmother and so all of her thoughts and emotions are shared with Nel. An example of Sula opening up to Nel in the text is when they reminisce over Chicken Little and how his laughter still remained in their heads. They left the funeral holding hands which is a true sign of the two being close to one another. Sula has no one else to open up to about these things and so her relationship with Nel is so valuable its hard to believe she crosses her in the way that she did. Ultimately I feel Sula does indeed have compassion for others but values her own needs over those around her. The upbringing she endured is the reason I feel she has an unusual and dirty connection with males, and how they interact together. Had Sula been raised with a father or a mother who was not a whore herself, maybe her actions would have been much different. Moving to the other side of the friendship, we have Nel. The experience of Sula leaving the bottom is interesting to me because while Sula left and encountered different life experience, Nel remained in the bottom with the community and conformity. Often times in life leaving home provides a sense of self actualization and you find who you truly are. Sula came back to Nel proving to still be herself, and not changing tor the better. Nel recalls their childh the same way Sula does, but goes about her day to day business in a different fashion. Her life has stability, she has a husband and a safe home. Where as Sula endures tragedies in her home such the burning of Plum. As the lives of these two women are very different they find a connection together, and share thoughts and feelings as best friends would. Thats where I feel we are told the most about Nel. Knowing the reputation Sula has she looks beyond it and ultimately is a fool for it. The relationship of these two women is the focal point of this text. The negligence for conformity from Sula is the polar opposite of what Nel believes in and practices every day. In this world we say opposites attract and that is most definitely the case for these two. Every friendship however experiences rough patches and ultimately Sula and Nel faced one that could not be worked through. Sulas actions of sleeping with Jude should have came as no surprise to Nel, knowing her past and demons she battles every day. The shock to her I believe is that Jude would betray her as well. Nel was the one who wanted nothing but friendship from Sula who had accepted all aspects of her. Now she wanted everything, and all because of that. Nel was the first person who had been real to her, whose name she knew, who had seen as she had the object of life that made it possible to stretch it to its limits. Now Nel was one of them. Nel contemplates how after cutting Sula out of her life, the thought of her still lives with her, Mhy, even in hate here I am thinking of what Sula said (page 108) this shows me that her connection with Sula was so strong that even after Sula acted against her she still pondered about her. I feel that the action of Sula sleeping with Jude is not the reason for the friendships end however, but Sula neglecting her wrong doing to Nel is what changed them. Nel has known all along of Sulas wrong doings, but was tolerant of it. When it was her own husband she Just needed Sula to realize what she had ruined. Sulas difference in opinion about the matter truly showed the difference in moral beliefs for the two. I believe the upbringing of them is the reason for this. While Sulas mom Hannah was a wild and immoral woman Nel had the complete opposite for a mother. The tale of these two can be traced directly to their childhood in my mind. The difference in experience and upbringing is night and day in this situation. With the fact that Sula watched her own mother burn we realize the fact that she truly did have mixed feelings for her and was completely affected by the comments made pertaining to her liking Sula but not loving her. Sula also has no strong male role model in her life which leads to further male issues down the road for her. The ultimate verdict of Nel claiming her and Sula to be girls again stems from her remembrance of all the old times with Sula and her actually understanding that one can not always escape a tragic childhood or distorted family situation. With Sula being completely gone one would think of the good times they had, and strive to find the positive aspects to someone. Aside from making love with Nels husband Sula served as a rock of a best friend. The memories from before the tragic things in their life made them girls again.

Friday, November 22, 2019

15 Easy Part-Time Jobs for College Students That Pay Well

15 Easy Part-Time Jobs for College Students That Pay Well College students are often in need of extra money. Part-time jobs are great in this situation, as having a lot of classes each day cant allow students to work full time. To make your choice of a part-time job a little easier, we have created a list of 15 easy part-time jobs that will perfectly suit a busy student life and bring you extra cash. 1. Barista Mmm, a coffee scent in the air and tasty drinks for every coffee lover out there! Baristas at Starbucks, Stumptown, Tullys Coffee, etc., have pretty beneficial packages, opportunities for further career growth and competitive salaries. Coffee chains gladly hire students and provide a flexible schedule. You can also choose the working place that will be suitable for you. 2. Dog Walker/Pet Sitter Students who love animals will definitely enjoy trying themselves as pet sitters. You can give an advert at local bulletin boards or freelance platforms and take as much working hours as you need. Moreover, you can take care of a few dogs at the same time, walking them, bringing to a vet, playing and feeding them. This way, you will increase your hour payment. 3. Merchandiser A lot of shop items are stocked by merchandisers – brand representatives who restock shelves and set up promotions. College students often work as merchandisers because they can choose the location of work and working hours according to the classes. The only thing you need to consider before searching for this type of job is that you have to lift and move heavy boxes when working as a merchandiser. 4. Call Center Worker Many companies have call centers, hotlines or customer service teams and regularly hire people for full-time or part-time jobs. Call center employees might do cold sales calls, survey calls or provide service support. Anyway, you dont need to be a professional speaker to work there as you will be given a script to follow. So, you just need to be polite and have a distinct utterance. 5. Brand Ambassador Have you ever been approached by the representative of some brand (Avon, Monster Energy, Red Bull, etc.) and given free samples or asked to take participation in a survey? Thats what a brand ambassador does. Basically, your job would be to collect people opinions about the company or distribute products of the brand. 6. Cashier Cashiers are one of the most common positions among the working students. Its a more demanding job than others as it implies excellent attentiveness. But this position is easy to find as you can turn to the nearest local supermarket, mall or grocery store. Moreover, this is an example of a part-time job that pays well. 7. Retail Worker A retail worker is also a common job position. A lot of girls prefer to work in clothes or make-up stores as consultants or assistants as it is a pleasant and easy job for all fashionistas. This job will suit any college student who is polite, friendly, communicative and patient. Retail shops usually provide a convenient schedule of the shifts, proper payment, discounts for their products or even free products for employees to try out (for example, Sephora has monthly free products for each employee). To keep up with the industry, check out our list of fashion blogs. 8. Photographer If you have a particular talent, for example, you are an eager photography amateur, you can try different freelance jobs which you can find on platforms like Freelancer or Upwork. You can choose which order you want to take or when you want to work. You can also sell your photographs to photo stocks or magazines, websites, designers, etc. You can arrange photoshoots in a studio or provide your services at weddings, graduation ceremonies, birthday parties or conferences. 9. Writer If you have a writing talent, you can try yourself as a freelance writer. As well as a photographer, you can find clients online and take their orders to work from home. This is a great job as you dont even need to leave your home as you can send finished pieces through email and get paid. A writer can be helpful to online stores, publishing companies, online magazines and small businesses who need freelance writing help. 10. Social Media Assistant A lot of bloggers and brands require assistance in the social media posting process. If you are an addict to social media scrolling through – this is a job for you. You will be asked to create engaging content, answer to comments, and follow the posting plan. Such a job doesnt require specific skills and is one of those higher paying vacancies that many students want to get because they can work for this part-time job from home. The competition is intense and finding a part-time job in this area might be challenging, so be sure to check the job posting frequently. You can also write to your favorite brand or influencer (for example, YouTube blogger) and offer your help. Who knows, you might become an assistant of the future millionaire or a specialist in this sphere, which, actually, doesn’t require an academic degree. 11. Library Worker You can also search for a job at your college. There are usually job positions for students inside your learning institution such as a library worker, technical assistant, a cafeteria worker, etc. Its a good chance for those who dont want to leave the campus. You will also love a job in a library if you are an eager reader as you will have free access to the books, scientific works, and other sources. By the way, do you know which books are in the â€Å"must-read† list for college students? 12. Data Entry Clerk Data entry clerk positions dont require any specific skills except attentiveness and fast speed of typing. Data entry clerks usually work with statistics, medical or financial information. However, there are a lot of scams in this sphere. So, be sure to check out testimonials or find a person with experience of working for the company. 13. Babysitter What is more common than a student working as a babysitter? This job is without any doubts one of the most popular positions among high school and college students. It requires you to be attentive, caring, and patient towards kids. Students who work as babysitters or tutors make good money and also have an opportunity to get a permanent position for a long time. 14. Delivery Driver Check out companies that sell any products or offer food delivery in your location – they might be hiring. Delivery is usually beneficial as you can be provided with a car or a bicycle to drive and also get tips from satisfied customers. You will also be able to get a discount on the products that this company sells. 15. Waiter Many students work in restaurants as waiters or hosts. A part-time job in a restaurant has certain benefits: Decent tips Flexible schedule Friendly atmosphere An opportunity for career growth And the main advantage is that finding jobs in this sphere is as easy as pie. In a restaurant, you also can choose the most convenient time and days of the week when you want to work. Wrapping Up A lot of successful businessmen started as baristas, waiters or dog walkers. Dont be ashamed of the place you work for and choose the option that would be the best for you. Let us know what other easy part time job ideas for college students you can suggest and read our guide on how to choose a part-time job for more ideas.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Culture and globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Culture and globalisation - Essay Example Benjamin Barber is one of the proponents of the idea that the notion of globalization is destructive for it threatens morals and religious values of people, the distinctiveness of cultures and can turn the world into one big market. There are four main points in Barbers argumentation. First of all, he presents the notion of â€Å"theme parking† which is â€Å"a kind of diversity but it is the diversity of a theme park† (â€Å"Globalization and Culture† 9). By this, he means that even though there is a diversity, it is simulated, artificial, and, in fact, is far from authenticity. Secondly, Barber argues that globalization is homogenization and standardization of culture that affects peoples cultural and aesthetic values, such as eating fast food instead of spending time with family at a dinner table. Also, the opponent of globalization states that more powerful markets, such as the American one, tend to master and destroy the weaker markets and, consequently, inf luence other cultures. Finally, Barber says that globalization is a threat not only to aesthetic but to religious and moral values of people, especially of the representatives of cultures that differ a lot from â€Å"McWorld†, such as Islamic, Hindu, and Judaic cultures, and that to some extent this threat gives rise to terrorism. Tyler Cowan, in his turn, believes that globalization is the positive trend in the development of the modern society and the entire world. He agues that â€Å"markets support diversity and freedom of choice, and trade gives a greater opportunity for artists to express their creative inspiration (â€Å"Glibalization and Culture† 8). In addition to this, Cowan claims that globalization does tend to increase difference between cultures, and at the same time it frees difference from geographical location. Tyler Cowan also refutes four arguments presented by Benjamin

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Contemporary Management issue (Qasim) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contemporary Management issue (Qasim) - Essay Example Moral theory represents theories associated with ethics and morality. A theory generally represents a set of structured statements with a set of concepts. It represents a framework based on which individuals act in a reasonable manner. In other words, moral theories provide appropriate framework for thinking, discussing and finally, evaluating the moral issues in a specific and reasonable manner. It has been found in the past few decades that investigations related to marketing and business ethics have been incrementing significantly. The findings of such investigations state that administrative ethics in the entire marketing process of any organization is a significant issue. Marketing itself involves one vast picture. So, there are chances of loopholes that might lead to various unethical activities conducted by the organizations. It is essential for the businesses to maintain a standard code of ethics for avoiding arousal of any unethical activity in their operations. It is applic able in each and every aspect of the business including sale of products or services where the behaviour of a salesman is taken into consideration (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2009). Deregulation of the standard code of ethics in various industries has resulted in commitment of various unethical activities, which in turn have resulted in the increase of rivalry among the existing firms within the industry. The competitive pressure within industry, along with the uncertainty of business existence, has led to deregulation of business ethics by managers in organizations (Barnett, 2007; Boatright, 2000). A series of evidences show that many companies have deviated from their standard ethical conducts within last few decades. It is not possible for one buyer to identify all the purchasing criteria or purchasing variables, which gives scope to the marketers to conduct unethical activities at high rate (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). The organizations look for short-term profit and opt for unethic al activities. However, in long-term perspective, these activities severely affect their reputation. The organizations, which were being suspected of conducting their business operations in unethical manner, were suffering in legal terms. As already stated earlier, the businesses conduct these unethical activities in order to achieve short-term profit, whereas in long-term aspect, their reputation declines badly. The unethical activities are conducted by organizations in various manners. These unethical activities are conducted sometimes in order to mislead the customers and persuade them in their buying decisions (Curwen and Whalley, 2005). There are various other examples of carrying out unethical activities by the organizations such as, keeping the prices of the products high where the quality is inferior. This helps them in making short-term profit but the ultimate consequence is that the reputation of organizations gets hampered and they lose loyal customers (Friedman, 2004). T he case study deals with unethical activities conducted by the tobacco producing companies in United States. It represents how companies had neglected the standards set by the department of justice i.e. DOJ in United States. According to the district judge, if DOJ could prove that the big tobacco producing companies are performing deceptive activities for their short-term profit seeking purpose, then they would be strictly penalized

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to achieve peace in Pakistan Essay Example for Free

How to achieve peace in Pakistan Essay Pakistan was founded. Pakistan was built to fulfill the needs of the Muslim community by providing them equality, Justice and freedom. However, soon enough it failed to fulfill the promises it had made to its society thus instability, restlessness and wretchedness reigned throughout the nation. Achievement of peace in Pakistan is actually the desire of every follow Pakistani or at least a huge majority of them. To devise a proper strategy we need to analyze and understand the causes f unrest and chaos in Pakistan. Factors causing disturbance in Pakistan can be categorized in internal and external factors. Internals factors consist of social, economic, political and administrative whereas external factors are related to regional instability and international so-called war on terror involving Kashmir, Iran, Afghanistan and Baluchistan. For achievement of peace and stability we need to address the huge gap between haves and have nots. Firstly socially, there seems to be a huge gap between the different classes within the country. A large majority when sees a small minority enjoying a very luxurious life style they naturally rebel and resort to unlawful activities to become rich overnight. We can say this is a poor vs. rich tension, which disturbs the peace of society in various ways such as crime and law breaking. Secondly, politically, in Karachi different political parties have armed wings. Karachi being the biggest city has greater influence. Respective political leaders protect crimes of members of these gangs. While political leaders re enjoyingi government position at the same time they are patronizing criminals, murderers, target killers, extortionists and land grabbers. Thirdly, economically, Karachi being port city and major economic hub affects Pakistan. One day of strike and unrest in Karachi costs billion of rupees to national exchequer. Lastly, on the administrative side, law enforcement agencies are plagued by corruption. They are packed with cronies of influential people along with lack of proper training and sufficient resources. In some cases sources of trouble and unrest outnumber civil law nforcement agencies. Furthermore criminals are able to get relief from tax and justice procedures. They can even intimidate eyewitnesses and thus obstruct dispensation of Justices. This further erodes confidence of public on the prevailing system and thus increases unrest and instability. Therefore, to achieve peace we need to address all these issues immediately. The first step should be to break the vicious cycle of illiteracy, poverty and disease by providing educational and health facilities and equal Job opportunities on merit. We have to uplift standard of general public through a fair system based on social Justice by educating general public through print and electronic media about the responsibilities and rights of a citizen. Law enforcement agencies need to be revamped by selecting officers and cadres on merit, proper training and equipping them with latest equipment and technology and where necessary paramilitary forces can be used to assist them. A fair and speedy Justice system, which ensures that troublemakers are taken to task without ny delay, should be formed. Similarly, on the international front we have to get out of Afghan war. We should not allow proxy wars to be fought in our territory. In KPK and Baluchistan political reconciliation is required since administrative measures alone have failed to give desired results. To sum up, peace in Pakistan cannot be achieved in bullet but a set of social, economic, political and administrative system could help our country to gradually move towards the right path and a path towards stability.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Warrior Marks :: essays research papers

Alice Walker, Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993, 373pp. Female genital mutilation, also known as female circumcision, is a practice that involves the removal of part or all of the female external genitalia. It occurs throughout the world, but most commonly in Africa where they say that it is a tradition and social custom to keep a young girl pure and a married woman faithful. But to some Westerners, the practice is viewed as being primitive and barbaric. We react with disgust and find it nearly incomprehensible that female genital mutilation can occur in the world today   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Warrior Marks, Alice Walker looks at the reality that millions of African, Asian and Indian women suffer from genital mutilation. The book begins with the re-telling of a story of how she lost one eye. This wound was inflicted on her when she was three years old and for years, she felt handicapped and isolated. Her brother, who caused this accident with a BBgun, is referred to as a â€Å"warrior† and the blinding of her eye is the warrior mark. Her visual mutilation is what helped her see the subject of genital mutilation. She sees it as a terrible form of patriarchal oppression, characterized by â€Å"the feeling of being overpowered and dominated by those you are bound to respect.† The book goes on and discusses the health risks that are involved in the practice. It talks about how the women who perform the surgery have a minimal knowledge of anatomy and hygiene, which results in infections of the genital and often results in the transmission of the HIV virus. Besides the initial pain of the operation, these girls also suffer long-term physiological, sexual and psychological effects. A mother reveals that she would stop the pain and betrayal if she could but because of tradition, she and others would risk banishment, torture and abuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the end, Walker emphasizes that these African women are not victims, but survivors. In the book, the women grow gardens on dry land and trade food, clothing and crafts in the marketplace. Whether a battered wife, a rape survivor or genitally mutilated woman, Walker concludes that a woman warrior learns that if she is injured, she can fight back. She closes by saying, â€Å"Your wound could be your guide.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Female circumcision is based on gender oppression and degradation of women.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Apple Financial Report Essay

Background Object: Apple Inc, an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. I would like to emphasize that this report supports in order to have a general look of long-term investment. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (or SWOT matrix) of Apple Inc will be mentioned below. Specifically, I will talk about issues which are relevant for investors in the long time. However they are concerned and depended on numbers with ratios in only financial report. Strengths Total assets are about $53,851 billion (Apple Inc balance sheet in Sep-2009). When we compare with some other companies, Apple Inc is really one of the leaders among technology companies. Company Microsoft Apple Inc Nokia Dell HP Assets (billion $) 86,112 53,851 51,276 30,060 4,265 Moreover, Apple’s products such as IPhone, IPod or IMac with good quality are appeared every countries and they have a large attraction with customers. For example, according to Brandonweir (from Apple’s Quarterly Earnings  Reports), 2010, 33 million IPhone have sold until the end 2009(1), â€Å"At the September 9, 2009 keynote presentation at the Apple Event, Phil Schiller announced total cumulative sales of iPods exceeded 220 million†(2) according to Downhill Battle in 2010. It figures strong abilities and important position of Apple Inc in the world. Established on April 1, 1976, with over 30 years surviving, Apple Inc have experienced an increase in their growth, profit and stocks while some large ones else such as IBM could not survive by the time. Since beginning, Apple Inc has not only survived for 30 years but also acquired many small and medium in various aspects. It proves strong ambitions to expand company more and more. In addition, from YCHARTS in 2010, R&D (Research and Development) of company is 6.58% of total assets(6), it makes company independent on potential threats. Here is 7 biggest companies of 28 which are acquired by Apple Inc(3) with total investment over 1,335 million dollars, according to Alacrastore in 2010. It is argued that the company has strategy plans for sustainable development in the long time. Time Company Value 7/2/1997 NeXT – Computer programming services $ 404,000,000 2/9/1997 Power Computing-Clone-Making–Clone computers $ 100,000,000 31/12/2001 PowerSchool – Online info systems services $ 62,000,000 1/7/ 2002 Emagic – Music production software $ 30,000,000 24/4/2008 P.A. Semi – Semiconductors $ 278,000,000 5/1/2010 Quattro Wireless – Mobile advertising $ 275,000,000 27/4/2010 Intrinsity – Semiconductors $ 121,000,000 There are nearly 899,805,500 and 888,325,973 shares issued and out standing until September 2009 (From financial report, p. 56). It is clear that a large of number shareholders do believe in company success and their capital are invested correctly. While their profit from stocks and shares are increasing, it is stated that investing Apple stocks will earn profit more and more. And the company has more capital from investors to use it for developing projects. Moreover, in fact, one positive point of Apple Inc is they do not pay out any dividends. Therefore company could re-invest the money into active capital structures. It shows a sustainable development with clear projects for long-term investment of shareholders. Weaknesses Apple Inc has 323 stores however 82% of them (265 by 323) only in US and UK(4), according to Wikipedia, 2010. It is stated that Apple Inc should expand company to get more profit of potential customer from other areas in the world. Moreover, it is a chance to create new contracts with various producers. Because with well-known trade name and quality products, it is argued that if company only wants to increase profits in some big countries, it is a big waste. Opportunities Generally, potential investors need a general view about company STOCKS and SHARES since some years ago because it would help them to be sure that basically, their money is invested in right way or not. From 2004 to 2009, company’s stocks are increasing rapidly every year although it is affected by recession in 2008 therefore their profitability is their high earnings per share. Specifically, company’s stocks rose quickly from 100$ in 2004 to 957$ in 2009. From Apple Inc financial report in 2009, p.35 Meanwhile, from table below seems to suggest that a significant rate of development of Apple Inc when we compare some other index. In 5 years, this stocks in 2009 gets nearly by ten times (957$ and 100$) in 2004 (beginning). Moreover, it shows that stocks and share of Apple Inc is higher than competitive companies about development therefore investing Apple Inc at this time for a long-term is a correct decision. September 2004 September 2005 September 2006 September 2007 September 2008 September 2009 Apple Inc. $100 $277 $397 $792 $587 $957 S&P 500 Composite Index $100 $112 $124 $145 $113 $105 S&P Computer Hardware Index $100 $115 $123 $181 $152 $180 GROSS MARGIN PERCENTAGE of Apple Inc also rose from 2007 to 2009 with about 35% each year. Profit margin measures the performance of the company in generating profits from sales therefore from this ratio, Apple Inc figures a rapid development with positive effect. This is a percentage showing the relationship between a business’s profits before overheads are taken away (gross profit), and the total amount of income from sales. It is claimed that investors could believe in the company financial situation nowadays completely. 2009 2008 2007 Net sales $36,537 $32,479 $24,006 Cost of sales 23,397 21,334 15,852 Gross margin $13,140 $11,145 $ 8,154 Gross margin percentage 36.0% 34.3% 34.0% GEARING, which is defined DEBT divide EQUITY, is important because the level of risk increases as the proportion of debt increases and equity shareholders are paid after the demands of loan capital providers have been met. According to financial report, Company’s long-term debt is zero while equity is $ 1743 therefore gearing = 0 is enough low to invest with fairly safety. Apple Inc has a very good financial standing and is not in any immediate danger of bankruptcy. When we have a brief look, gearing and debt of others competitive companies like HP, Dell or Microsoft are higher so much than Apple Inc. Therefore shareholders could believe the safety of their capital in the long time. On the other hand, ASSET TURNOVER, which is defined TOTAL SALES divide ASSETS (36537 / 53851 = 67.85%) is used to measure the performance of the company in generating sales from the assets at its disposal. Asset turnover is one of two important ratios for shareholders to return on capital employed therefore it helps investors identify the safety of their capital. With 67.85%, it shows a positive number of efficiency for long-term investment. CURRENT RATIO which is defined CURRENT ASSETS divide CURRENT LIABILITIES relates the current assets of the company to its current liabilities. It is a measure of a company’s ability to meet its short-term solvency. These assets should at least be sufficient to meet the any short-term liabilities – generally that is taken to mean a ratio of 2:1 or better because many State Securities Bureaus will require this ratio for stocks and make investors believe financial situation of company. When we compare among some large technology companies, apple is the best of them (table above). This ratio shows that Apple Inc would be considered to have good short-term financial strength. If we have a look QUICK RATIO, which is defined: (CURRENT ASSETS minus INVENTORY) divide CURRENT LIABILITIES, excludes inventory from the current assets figure because it may be difficult to convert inventory to cash quickly. This ratio assumes that inventory is not available as part of the asset base a vailable to meet the demands of immediate liabilities. 1:1 ratio or higher is considered good because it proves financial strengths of company to meet any sudden accident. Apple Inc  is better able to meet their current liability obligations by using their liquid assets when the company is compared to the industry. With 1.86, Apple Inc defeated main competitive companies to pay its short-term debt and made customer confidence for company success. Threats Apple is still a successful modern company nowadays however actually, according to Ben McClure (Investopedia), 2010 when Apple Inc spends too much money with 1.109 billion dollars (2008) on R&D (Research and Development)(5) while some other aspects such as architecture of agents around the world need more capital to invest although it is a positive point which made a good position of Apple Inc nowadays. Another view that we need to consider carefully is recession. Actually, from the stocks chart above, Apple Inc was affected by this in 2008 (decreased from $792 in 2007 to $587 in 2008). Therefore when recession has not gone out completely, shareholders should examine their investment for sustainable future. Conclusions From SWOT matrix above, with rapid grow speed of stocks & company and also developing strategies in the long-term, I want to recommend that Apple Inc is a good choice to invest in the long time. Although the company has some threats and weaknesses, Apple Inc has every confidence from investors who have invested in the long time before. When we analysed SWOT above, financial ratios and numbers show a quick increase with stable development therefore it is claimed that investing Apple Inc for a long-term is a right decision. Notes Anyway, this report only analyses some salient features and predictions above can be not sure 100% in the future. Because company’s success is affected by many different aspects such as demand of customers in the long time however some of them are not mentioned in this report. Although the ratios and the financial numbers of Apple Inc are fairly good, nothing is impossible in the  long-term. References (1) Brandonweir, 2010, how many iphone have been sold, [accessed 29 November 2010], available at (2) Downhill Battle, 2010, Are all those iPods empty?, [accessed 29 November 2010], available at (3) Alacrastore, 2010, Apple Inc Mergers and Acquisitions, [accessed 29 November 2010], available at (4) Wikipedia, 2010, Apple store, [accessed 29 November 2010], available at (5) Ben McClure (Investopedia), 2010, R&D Spending And Profitability: What’s The Link?, [accessed 29 November 2010], available at (6) YCHARTS, 2010, AAPL, [accessed 3 December 2010], available at

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Resettlement Patterns in Spanish Colonialm System in the Philippines Essay

Spain and Portugal were the two superpowers who pushed through their ultimate goals to discover the rest of the world. These nations, with their greed for material wealth, set colonies in the Americas, Africa and East Asia to establish their powers to greater heights. Because of a high demand for exotic spices in Europe, Spain was forced to circumnavigate the world in search for the Spice Islands (Muruku Islands) with an ultimate goal which was to accumulate wealth through mercantilist trade and to expand the rule of Spain throughout the corners of the globe. Because of this, Spain met the islands of the Philippines. The rediscovery of our country by Magellan on March 17, 1521, marks a new age in our history. After this discovery, Spain sent various expeditions for the conquest and colonization of our country, namely the Loaisa expedition (1525), the Cabot expedition (1526), the Saavedra expedition (1527), the Villalobos expedition (1542), and the Legazpi expedition (1564). It was the Legazpi expedition which succeeded in colonizing our country and establishing Spanish rule. Spain had three aims in colonizing our country, namely (1) to spread Christianity, (2) material wealth, and (3) to acquire political glory. Under Spanish rule our country developed religiously, economically, politically, and culturally. Our land acquired a national name  ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬- Filipinas. Our people came to be known as Filipinos. Towns, cities, provinces, schools, hospitals and charitable institutions were established. New plants and animals, the Christian religion and Spanish civilization, and new industries were introduced. Domestic and foreign trades with China and Japan were fostered. Communication and transportation were improved. Our country during the Spanish reign was a crown colony of Spain, in the sense that it belonged to the Spanish crown. From 1565 to 1821, our archipelago was governed by the Viceroy of Mexico in the name of the Spanish king. All officials, royal decrees, and troops for the Philippines came from Mexico. It was also the Mexican viceroy, not the king of Spain, who sent the annual subsidy to Manila to cover up the annual deficit of the Philippine government. In 1821 Mexico won her independence from Spain, so that from this year to 1898, Spain directly ruled our country. Spain as a colonizing power was marred by certain defects such as (1) inefficiency and corruption in the colonial government, (2) abuses by the friars, (3) racial discrimination against our people, (4) denial of human rights to Filipinos, and (5) inequality of Spaniards and Filipinos before the law. These colonial defects, however, were offset by the good things done by Spain in our country. By and large, we owe her a lasting debt of gratitude. She gave the majority of the people a great religion, taught us how to build more durable buildings, roads, and trade facilities, introduced new crops and livestock and better methods of farming, and brought our people into contact with the western culture. Settlement Patterns Before and During the Spanish Period During the Pre-Colonial period, the social unit in the Philippine islands was the barangay which comes from the Malay term balangay meaning boat. They were headed by a datu or the village chief. Barangays were generally small and consisted of thirty to one hundred houses and the population varied from one hundred to five hundred persons. The largest barangay was Manila which had two thousand inhabitants at the time of the Spanish conquest. Communities were coastal, near-coastal and riverine in orientation. This was because the principal sources of protein came from the seas and rivers; people rely more on fishing than on hunting. People travelled principally by water, the movement of the population were across rivers and along the coasts. Trails followed by the streams; neither roads nor any wheeled vehicles were there. It was in the coastal communities that were more accessible to traders where a higher degree of development emerged. A higher cultural level was attained due to contact with traders from China, India and Arabia. The economy of the barangay communities deeply relied on agriculture. There was an abundance of rice, coconuts, sugar cane, cotton, hemp, bananas, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables. Land cultivation was done through the kaingin system or by tilling. Pigafetta, the chronicler of Magellan, noted that there was an abundant produce of the land in Cebu as well as in Palawan. Productivity was increased by the use of irrigation ditches, as evidenced by the world-famous Banaue Rice Terraces in Ifugao. Aside from agriculture, pre-colonial Filipinos had other industries such as animal-raising, lumbering, weaving and gold and silver mining. The absence of a political unity involving all or the majority of the people of the archipelago allowed the Spanish conquistadores to impose their will on the people step by step even with a few hundreds of colonial troops at the start. The successful voyage of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi to the Philippines was a prequel to the long term colonization of t he country under the imperialist Spain. The Filipino society, split up into numerous barangay units, faced the impossibility to put up an effective armed resistance against the well-equipped and prepared conquistadores; an almost â€Å"bloodless† conquest of the Philippines was then accomplished. It was Legazpi who in 1565 and thereafter succeeded in hoodwinking a large number of barangay chieftains typified by Sikatuna in quelling recalcitrant barangays with the sword and in establishing under the cross the first colonial settlements in Visayas and subsequently in Luzon.The kind of society that developed in more than three centuries of Spanish rule was colonial and feudal. It was a society basically ruled by the landlord class, which included the Spanish colonial officials, the Catholic religious orders and the local puppet chiefs. The masses of the people were kept to the status of serfs and even the freemen became dispossessed. In the classic fashion of feudalism, the union of church and state suffused the entire colonial structure. All colonial subjects fell under friar control from birth until death. In the material base as well as in the superstructure, friar control was total and most oppressive in the towns situated in vast landed estates owned by the religious orders. In the colonial center as well as in every province, the friars exercised vast political powers. They supervised such diverse affairs as taxation, census, statistics, primary schools, health, public works and charities. They certified the correctness of residence certificates, the condition of men chosen for military service, the municipal budget, the election of municipal officials and police officers and the examination of pupils in the parochial schools. The Encomienda and Hacienda Encomiendas are grants from the Spanish crown to a Spaniard to exercise control over a specific place including its inhabitants. It is from the Spanish word â€Å"encomendar† which literally means to entrust. Thus, a definite number of â€Å"souls† or inhabitants of a territory were entrusted to the care of an encomendero. The encomienda grant can only be passed up to the third generation and was then given back as the crown’s property. There were three kinds of encomiendas: (1) the royal encomiendas, belonging to the king of Spain, (2) the ecclesiastical encomiendas, belonging to the church, and (3) private encomiendas, belonging to private individuals who were rewarded for their services to the crown. The encomienda was an administrative unit with powers to collect tribute and to use the personal services of the inhabitants of their encomiendas. In return, the encomenderos were supposed to look after the welfare of the natives and to give them some education. Theoretically, each encomendero, in whose care a native settlement, was entrusted a threefold responsibility: (1) to protect the natives by maintaining peace and order within the encomienda, (2) to support the missionaries in their work of converting the people to Catholicism, and (3) to help in the defense of the colony. In return for these services, the crown authorized the encomendero to collect a tribute of eight reales or its equivalent in kind from all 19 to 60 year old males in the encomienda. At least one-fourth of the total collection went to the encomendero, another portion to the friars, and the rest to the government. What seemed to be beneficial for the natives’ development was turned the other way around. The encomienda system was generally characterized by greed and cruelty. The encomenderos exercised their powers to the full but for the most part ignored their duties and treated the natives as slaves. They saw the grant as nothing more than an opportunity to enrich themselves and used every opportunity open to him, whether in the collection of tributes or in the unlawful exaction of numerous services. Antonio de Morga writes: â€Å"They employ the indios in building houses and large vessels, grinding rice, cutting wood, and carrying it all to their houses and to Manila and then pay them little or nothing for their labor.† Regarding the collection of tributes, the encomenderos forced the natives to pay a higher rate of tribute; they collected according to their personal whim. When gold was abundant and money was scarce, they demanded cash or reales; when the reales were plentiful and there was scarcity of gold, they asked for gold even when the poor Filipinos were coerced to buy them. Encomenderos sometimes seized the entire quantity of his rice from the Filipino without leaving him a grain to eat. Many Filipinos died of starvation, especially during famine and drought due to the scarcity of rice and they were forced to eat coconut and banana shoots. If the Filipinos resisted, they were publicly fogged, tortured or jailed. The unjust collection of tributes was one of the primary causes of intermittent uprisings in the Philippines. Haciendas grew out of the encomienda system and the hacienda system is still being used today; however, haciendas during the Spanish occupation era were given as incentives to deserving Spanish friars who will act as land lords. It has the characteristic of a feudal system which was prevalent in Europe during those times. Encomienda and hacienda system were forms of colonial appropriation but they were never the same and one did not necessarily lead to the other. The exploitative relations are based on and grow out of the ownership by the landlord of the tracts of land from which the tenants derive their livelihood. The hacendero has the right of inheritance and free disposition, two rights not covered by an encomienda grant. The exploitations of the hacenderos are more disguised than that of the encomendero through a fiction of partnership, hence the term kasamahan to denote a joint venture and the reference to the tenant as kasama or companion. Instead of tribute-paying, the system denotes sharing of the crops in terms of sharing of risks. The hacenderos will most likely require the lion’s share of the crops but in terms of the expenses for maintenance of the hacienda, the tenants are to pay more. The Center and the Periphery of the Colonial System With the pacification of the Filipino natives, Spain made a colony that will supply the crown with goods for its financial gain. Spain did this by exploitation of the natives so as to produce a product surplus. With the help of the personal greed of Spanish colonial administrators, friars, and officials, the natives, though living in subsistence, were made worse. Bureaucracy in the Philippines during the Spanish period may be divided into different levels of administration, from the national, provincial, city, municipal, and barrio levels. On the national level, with its seat of power in Manila, Intramuros, the governor general (gobernador y capitan-general) became the spokesman and the representative of the King of Spain to the Philippines. He was the commander-in-chief of the military and the navy. He was also the vice-real patron who supervises the work of the Catholic Church to spread the gospel of Christianity in the colony. His great powers were checked by the Real Audiencia (Supreme Court), the archbishop and the civil officials who denounced to the king whatever abuses the governor general might have committed. On the provincial level, heading the alcaldia or provincia was the alcalde mayor for the pacified provinces and districts. The corregimientos or unpacified military zones were headed by the corregidores. Only a Spaniard can be an alcalde mayor or a corregidor. The city government was called as the ayuntamiento and was headed by one or two alcaldes ordinarios. On the municipal level, the gobernadorcillo headed the pueblo or municipio. A Filipino or a Chinese mestizo can be head of the municipio; this was the highest government position a Filipino could attain during the Spanish regime. Barrio government rested on the cabeza de barangay whose main role was to be tax and contributions collector for the gobernadorcillo. All royal officials had the responsibility of keeping peace and order. To check the abuse of power of royal officials, two Castillan institutions, the residencia and the visita were employed. The residencia was the judicial review of a residenciado (one judged) conducted at the term of his office, a visita on the other hand was conducted by an officer sent from Spain and might occur at any time within the official’s term. Residencia and visita were supervised by juez de residencia and visitador-general respectively; its objective is to ensure faithful and efficient service on the part of the government authorities. If proven guilty of public misconduct, an official may be fined, dismissed from office, expelled from the colony, or imprisoned. However, Filipino natives still didn’t escape the exploitation of the government officials. The tribute collectors often abused their offices by collecting more than the law required and appropriating the difference. Many who did not pay, or could not pay were tortured or imprisoned. Others fled to the mountains only to have their houses burned or looted by the Spaniards in punishment for their defiance. In addition to the unjustified tribute, men between the age of sixteen and sixty were required to serve for forty days each year in the labor pool or polo, a form of forced labor. The polistas were seldom paid and death lurked to them and their families. Still another exploitative device was the bandala which was a kind of annual quota for the compulsory sale of rice, hemp and other farm products to the government usually without payment and seldom paid at very low prices. BIBLIOGRAPHY Agoncillo, Teodoro A. History of the Filipino People. Eighth edition, Quezon City: Garotech Publishing, 1990. Constantino, Renato. The Philippines: A Past Revisited. Manila, 1975. The Philippine History & Government. Mobcco. Circa 1970s Riple, Simoun. Philippine Society and Revolution. 1970`

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Creation Myths

The Myths of Creation †¦Every culture has a story that tries to explain its human origins. This is simply a normal human phenomenon. The lucky cultures are those whose creation myths contain some humor and kindness†¦. Stan Mulder What purpose do the creation myths serve for humanity? Every society has a creation myth and that suggests that every society has a need for one some particular reason. We need to note, however, that to the society involved, these are not myths or stories told to enthrall the young. They are real, not in our scientific, linear, literal, sense, but nevertheless real, and part of the truth of humanity’s existence. The first characteristic is the emergence of order from chaos. And we know that chaos is not just first, it is always, never-ending. As well as being the primal dark into which the first creation comes, chaos is also present as the depth over which we move, threatening us with the perpetual possibility of engulfment, and which we, in our living, order. We have always needed stories that speak of cycles and of alternating light and dark without conceiving these movements as flowing from a single point of origin. We humans need these stories desperately. We need them to live ourselves and for the Earth to live. This was true for the ancient civilizations that we look back at and wonder about now, and they are true for the 21st century too. But action, the second element, must be there too. It is action that orders the ever-present chaos. Again, this action need not be taken to be temporally first. The action that generates myth is a beginning as the present point of order's emergence from chaos, rather than as the indefinitely remote past moment of first enactment. At every moment, act separates order from chaos. In any moment that we work to build the world, we are in harmony with the creative dimension of myth. But how is action possible in a world that is disordered? What can it mean? E... Free Essays on Creation Myths Free Essays on Creation Myths The Myths of Creation †¦Every culture has a story that tries to explain its human origins. This is simply a normal human phenomenon. The lucky cultures are those whose creation myths contain some humor and kindness†¦. Stan Mulder What purpose do the creation myths serve for humanity? Every society has a creation myth and that suggests that every society has a need for one some particular reason. We need to note, however, that to the society involved, these are not myths or stories told to enthrall the young. They are real, not in our scientific, linear, literal, sense, but nevertheless real, and part of the truth of humanity’s existence. The first characteristic is the emergence of order from chaos. And we know that chaos is not just first, it is always, never-ending. As well as being the primal dark into which the first creation comes, chaos is also present as the depth over which we move, threatening us with the perpetual possibility of engulfment, and which we, in our living, order. We have always needed stories that speak of cycles and of alternating light and dark without conceiving these movements as flowing from a single point of origin. We humans need these stories desperately. We need them to live ourselves and for the Earth to live. This was true for the ancient civilizations that we look back at and wonder about now, and they are true for the 21st century too. But action, the second element, must be there too. It is action that orders the ever-present chaos. Again, this action need not be taken to be temporally first. The action that generates myth is a beginning as the present point of order's emergence from chaos, rather than as the indefinitely remote past moment of first enactment. At every moment, act separates order from chaos. In any moment that we work to build the world, we are in harmony with the creative dimension of myth. But how is action possible in a world that is disordered? What can it mean? E...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Home Alone Quotes

Home Alone Quotes In the 1990 movie Home Alone, 8-year-old Kevin McCallister is accidentally left behind (via a series of unlikely events) while the rest of his family is on vacation in Europe for the Christmas holidays. Kevin believes the situation is due to his wish that his family would disappear, so (for some reason) does not seem alarmed, and doesnt contact the authorities. Unfortunately for Kevin, two bumbling robbers (played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern) are casing the neighborhood looking for homes whose occupants are away on vacation. They settle on Kevins house, but he prepares a series of booby traps to keep them from entering. Eventually, Kevins family returns and the bad guys get caught. The movie was a huge box-office success  and launched the acting career of child star Macauley Culkin, who played Kevin. It spawned four sequels, each increasingly more far-fetched (this family cant possibly abandon their child so frequently, after all).   Quotes From Home Alone Kevin: When I grow up and get married Im living alone! Did you hear me? Im living alone! Im living alone! Im living alone! Kevin: I made my family disappear. I made my family disappear! Kevin: Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen. Kevin: This is my house, I have to defend it. Kevin: Hey, Im not afraid anymore! I said Im not afraid anymore! Do you hear me? Im not afraid anymore! Kevin: You guys give up yet? Or are you thirsty for more? Kevin: Down here, you idiots! Come and get me before I call the police! Kevin: Will you please tell Santa that instead of presents this year, I just want my family back. Harry (first burglar): Merry Christmas, little fella! We know that youre in there and that youre all alone. Harry: You bomb me with one more can, kid, and Ill snap off your cajones and boil them in motor oil! Harry: Its too late for you, kid; were already in the house. Were gonna get ya! Marv (second burglar): Yeah, come on, kid, open up. Its Santa Claus... and his elf! Marv: Hes a kid. Kids are stupid. I know I was. Marley (Kevins elderly neighbor): You live down the street from me, right? You know anytime you see me you can always say hello, you dont have to be afraid. A lot of stuff has been said about me... none of its true. Kevin: No offense, arent you too old to be afraid?Marley: You can be too old for a lot of things, but youre never too old to be afraid. Kate McCallister (Kevins mother): This is Christmas, the season of perpetual hope. And I dont care if I have to get out on your runway and hitchhike. If it costs me everything I own, if I have to sell my soul to the devil himself, I am going to get home to my son. Kate McCallister: How could we do this? We forgot him.Peter McCallister (Kevins father): We didnt forget him, we just miscounted.Kate: What kind of a mother am I?Frank: If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my reading glasses.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Interactive Whiteboards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Interactive Whiteboards - Research Paper Example As the report declares  the 21st century belongs to an information technology era, how to apply information technology into teaching and learning has become a key concern all over the world. In the year 1990, Australia national education revolution; in 1998, Hong Kong announces the first technology education strategy; in the year 2001, Europe Association clearly point out the ability of application technology and digit learning into future education has become the key ability.According to the essay findings the dynamics of the use of IWBs necessitated the integration of IT concepts into children’s instruction. Countries are adapting transformative IT concepts in the education sector. The use of IWBs is a manifstation of inclusion of the advancing technology into the education sector. Countries are adapting the use of IWBs with regard to the benefits that are accruable form such changes. Motivation and improvement of the learning environment are some of the integral factors t hat necessitate the replacement of traditional teaching methods with strategies that make education more exciting.  IWBs are used in teaching a variety of subjects with special reference to the sciences inclusive of mathematics. Britain, Asian nations and USA among others are some of the countries that have been advancing efforts that are aimed at integrating IWBs into classrooms.  The background of the initiation of IWB application in the process of teaching children owes its existence to the variant benefits that come with the replacement of traditional methods.