Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Contemporary Management issue (Qasim) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contemporary Management issue (Qasim) - Essay Example Moral theory represents theories associated with ethics and morality. A theory generally represents a set of structured statements with a set of concepts. It represents a framework based on which individuals act in a reasonable manner. In other words, moral theories provide appropriate framework for thinking, discussing and finally, evaluating the moral issues in a specific and reasonable manner. It has been found in the past few decades that investigations related to marketing and business ethics have been incrementing significantly. The findings of such investigations state that administrative ethics in the entire marketing process of any organization is a significant issue. Marketing itself involves one vast picture. So, there are chances of loopholes that might lead to various unethical activities conducted by the organizations. It is essential for the businesses to maintain a standard code of ethics for avoiding arousal of any unethical activity in their operations. It is applic able in each and every aspect of the business including sale of products or services where the behaviour of a salesman is taken into consideration (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2009). Deregulation of the standard code of ethics in various industries has resulted in commitment of various unethical activities, which in turn have resulted in the increase of rivalry among the existing firms within the industry. The competitive pressure within industry, along with the uncertainty of business existence, has led to deregulation of business ethics by managers in organizations (Barnett, 2007; Boatright, 2000). A series of evidences show that many companies have deviated from their standard ethical conducts within last few decades. It is not possible for one buyer to identify all the purchasing criteria or purchasing variables, which gives scope to the marketers to conduct unethical activities at high rate (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). The organizations look for short-term profit and opt for unethic al activities. However, in long-term perspective, these activities severely affect their reputation. The organizations, which were being suspected of conducting their business operations in unethical manner, were suffering in legal terms. As already stated earlier, the businesses conduct these unethical activities in order to achieve short-term profit, whereas in long-term aspect, their reputation declines badly. The unethical activities are conducted by organizations in various manners. These unethical activities are conducted sometimes in order to mislead the customers and persuade them in their buying decisions (Curwen and Whalley, 2005). There are various other examples of carrying out unethical activities by the organizations such as, keeping the prices of the products high where the quality is inferior. This helps them in making short-term profit but the ultimate consequence is that the reputation of organizations gets hampered and they lose loyal customers (Friedman, 2004). T he case study deals with unethical activities conducted by the tobacco producing companies in United States. It represents how companies had neglected the standards set by the department of justice i.e. DOJ in United States. According to the district judge, if DOJ could prove that the big tobacco producing companies are performing deceptive activities for their short-term profit seeking purpose, then they would be strictly penalized

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