Saturday, November 2, 2019

Interactive Whiteboards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Interactive Whiteboards - Research Paper Example As the report declares  the 21st century belongs to an information technology era, how to apply information technology into teaching and learning has become a key concern all over the world. In the year 1990, Australia national education revolution; in 1998, Hong Kong announces the first technology education strategy; in the year 2001, Europe Association clearly point out the ability of application technology and digit learning into future education has become the key ability.According to the essay findings the dynamics of the use of IWBs necessitated the integration of IT concepts into children’s instruction. Countries are adapting transformative IT concepts in the education sector. The use of IWBs is a manifstation of inclusion of the advancing technology into the education sector. Countries are adapting the use of IWBs with regard to the benefits that are accruable form such changes. Motivation and improvement of the learning environment are some of the integral factors t hat necessitate the replacement of traditional teaching methods with strategies that make education more exciting.  IWBs are used in teaching a variety of subjects with special reference to the sciences inclusive of mathematics. Britain, Asian nations and USA among others are some of the countries that have been advancing efforts that are aimed at integrating IWBs into classrooms.  The background of the initiation of IWB application in the process of teaching children owes its existence to the variant benefits that come with the replacement of traditional methods.

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